Life lesson you learn while travel and explore regional delicacies: Explore with Hotel Surya International Lucknow.

Each of us has encountered a dish that initially repelled our taste buds, only to become a cherished favorite over time. This transformation often occurs because our brains swiftly categorize unfamiliar flavors as “bad,” leading us to believe we dislike them.
However, with persistent exposure to the same dish, our brains undergo a remarkable evolution, becoming more open and receptive to diverse tastes. Through this process of continual tasting and experimentation, our palates expand, and our brains become adept at embracing a wide spectrum of flavors.

Each of us has encountered a dish that initially repelled our taste buds, only to become a cherished favorite over time. This transformation often occurs because our brains swiftly categorize unfamiliar flavors as “bad,” leading us to believe we dislike them.
However, with persistent exposure to the same dish, our brains undergo a remarkable evolution, becoming more open and receptive to diverse tastes. Through this process of continual tasting and experimentation, our palates expand, and our brains become adept at embracing a wide spectrum of flavors.


While sampling new dishes may seem like a trendy vacation activity, it’s also a journey of palate development and cognitive training. By immersing ourselves in local cuisines during our travels, we not only savor different cooking techniques, spices, and ingredients but also actively engage in enriching our culinary experiences.

Moreover, exposing our children to a variety of foods during family vacations lays the foundation for a more adventurous and inclusive approach to eating. By encouraging them to explore diverse culinary landscapes, we instill in them a broader palate and a willingness to embrace culinary diversity.


So, the next time you embark on a journey, don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in the flavors of the local cuisine. Through this culinary exploration, you not only tantalize your taste buds but also nurture a more adventurous and cultured palate. Keep traveling and let your taste buds savor the world’s diverse culinary delights.

So, pack your bags and come to Hotel Surya International, Lucknow ( Budget Hotels in Lucknow ), for starting a learning journey combines with affordability, comfort, and the true essence of Lucknowi culture. Book your stay today in the City of Nawabs!

For travel packages, Please Contact us at: +91 8373 916 992

We look forward to welcoming you for a journey of authentic Lucknowi Mehmaan Nawaazi At Hotel Surya International.